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JournalArtists (Un)Scripted – Vasundhara Tewari Broota$0.00
What does it take to liberate a woman’s figure from patriarchal gaze? Courage and conviction, perhaps, as artist Vasundhara Tewari Broota shares in this short interview. Speaking from the experience of painting with courage, the artist also provides a peek into her thought process.
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JournalArtists (Un)Scripted – Anupam Sud$0.00India’s foremost printmaker, Anupam Sud is perhaps also the country’s most well-known. What has tethered her to the democratic medium of printmaking—against all odds, needless to say—is a reason worth discovering in this short video in which the artist muses over her motivations and practice. Learn More
JournalArtists (Un)Scripted – Shobha Broota$0.00Shobha Broota is often described as among the most enigmatic artists of her generation. Her strength lies in ‘simplicity’, which she has used dexterously to explore the most complex of subjects in her art, making her a pioneer in choosing abstraction when very few women artists of India were doing so. Learn More
JournalMemory and Identity - Indian Artists Abroad$0.00What do you make of a work of art? What was the artist attempting to communicate? These video shorts offer brief overviews on artists and their work in the way of expert opinions by scholars, curators art writers—and by the artists themselves. Learn More
JournalGroup 1890$0.00Group 1890 remains unique in the journey of modern Indian art for various reasons, the most important being J. Swaminathan as the force behind the short-lived collective that held only one exhibition in its lifetime, in 1963. In 2016, DAG organized a ‘second’ exhibition of the group, featuring works by all its founder members. Learn More
JournalNavratna: India’s National Treasure artists$0.00It was in the 1970s that the government of India declared nine artists as National Treasures, attesting to the significance of their contribution to the shaping of modern Indian art identity. ‘Navratna: Nine Gems of Indian Art’ was a unique opportunity to see seminal works by all the nine together, to understand the uniqueness of their collective contribution, at Drishyakala, a joint collaboration between DAG and the Archaeological Survey of India. Learn More
JournalPopular Prints and the Freedom Struggle$0.00The role of popular prints in providing a visual lexicon to India’s freedom struggle—carrying images of its vital players and events to the farthest corners of the country—received a tremendous boost with this Paula Sengupta-curated exhibition at Drishyakala, Red Fort, Delhi, in 2019, a joint collaboration between DAG and the Archaeological Survey of India. Learn More
JournalOriental Scenery: Aquatints by Thomas & William Daniell$0.00
What wonder it must have been for the people in England to ‘see’ India for the first time, the exotica that they had only heard of until then! The artists who made this possible through their paintings and aquatints were the uncle-nephew duo of Thomas Daniell and William Daniell, whose magnum opus, Oriental Scenery, was the subject of this landmark exhibition at Drishyakala, a joint collaboration between DAG and the Archaeological Survey of India.
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JournalThe Art of Rabin Mondal$0.00A great admirer of Indian modernist Rabin Mondal's works and curator of ‘Kingdom of Exile, a major retrospective on the artist, Kishore Singh of DAG is joined by Ina Puri, documentarian, collector and an old acquaintance of the artist as, together, they explore the circumstances of Mondal’s painterly life, particularly his vaunted King Series. A set of eight powerful paintings on the theme and hubris of power, now going on view at the upcoming Art Dubai 2022 Learn More
JournalTipu Sultan: Image & Distance$0.00A talk by academician and author Prof. Dr. Vandana Bhandari on Costumes and Textiles from the 18th Century Mysore. Learn More
Have you wondered how people looked at paintings and photographs in the nineteenth century? For DAG’s annual Heritage Festival ‘The City as a Museum’, we explored various aspects of the city’s visual culture. As we are about to launch the DAG Journal let us revisit the walk co-led by Sarbajit Mitra and Amreeta Das at the Uttarpara Jaykrishna public library to delve into the periodical archive and trace the evolution of printed pictures in India. Flipping through the pages of these periodicals offered glimpses into the everyday habits of consuming art—from simple wood-cut and lithograph illustrations, to full plate colour reproductions of paintings and photographs, artist albums, and exquisitely ornate typography.
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JournalModernists In Focus: Art Festivals, Early 2023$0.00
With the cultural calendar being packed till spring, join us as we travel through some of the most popular ongoing or upcoming art fairs and biennales. Take a close look at artists who bring modernist ideas to the contemporary art context. With some ubiquitous names from the twentieth century art world accompanied by a few of those that have been historically overlooked, discover how ideas around the Modern have evolved through these fairs and biennales, as we focus on notable artists from each art festival and delve into their practice.
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