Mr. P. Dass M. A.

Mr. P. Dass M. A.

Mr. P. Dass M. A.

Bikash Bhattacharjee

Mr. P. Dass M. A.




24.0 x 18.0 in. / 61.0 x 45.7 cm.


Oil on canvas

Bikash Bhattacharjee was a chronicler of middle-class Bengali society and its beloved Kolkata, their hopes, aspirations, superstitions, and even corruption. In this oil on canvas, the artist depicts an intimidating personality, perhaps a charlatan, holding a magnifying glass with which he claims to read the future. Bhattacharjee employed his technique of photo-realism to good effect in depicting this clairvoyant who seems to have a hold on his followers with his powers—rather questionable—to predict their future, attested to by a nebulous rashi chakra (astrology chart wheel) in the background.

Mr. P. Dass M. A.
Mr. P. Dass M. A.
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Art Artist Names Single Bikash Bhattacharjee

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