Untitled (King Series)

Untitled (King Series)

Untitled (King Series)

Bikash Bhattacharjee

Untitled (King Series)




45.7 x 46.0 in. / 116.1 x 116.8 cm.


Oil and acrylic on canvas

Bikash Bhattacharjee once said, ‘I was very conscious of other people’s sufferings because of my own…’ The marginalised, therefore, were a common trope in his art, and appeared in various forms in different series. This oil and acrylic work is from a suite of paintings titled King Series that the artist first exhibited in 1994. It featured portraits of imaginary characters who represented the disenfranchised but wore a crown of independence on their heads. They were kings in their own right as they stood up for their class, community and even rights which were under perpetual threat.

published references

Singh, Kishore, ed., A Visual History of Indian Modern Art, Volume IV: Bengal Modernists (New Delhi: DAG, 2015), pp. 708, back cover
Singh, Kishore, ed., Navrasa: The Nine Emotions of Art (New Delhi: DAG, 2020), p. 72

Untitled (King Series)
Untitled (King Series)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Bikash Bhattacharjee

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