Viceroy Of India 1st Class Lounge

Viceroy Of India 1st Class Lounge

Viceroy Of India 1st Class Lounge

Waring & Gillow

Viceroy Of India 1st Class Lounge


31.7 x 32.2 in. / 80.5 x 81.8 cm.


Watercolour and ink on paper pasted on board

The P&O ships, as it was familiarly known, was the preferred choice of travel by sea for the haute monde before the launch of air services. Home to guests for weeks and months at a time, these ships became more luxurious, the first-class lounges resembling the drawing rooms of country homes of the English aristocracy. The drawings prepared by the firms were delicately rendered, serving as guides for the placement of carpets, lights and furniture once the walls and ceiling had been completed.

published references

Home is a Place: Interiority in Indian Art (New Delhi: DAG, 2021), pp. 68, 70

Viceroy Of India 1st Class Lounge
Viceroy Of India 1st Class Lounge
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Waring & Gillow

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