


A. A. Almelkar





19.2 x 23.5 in. / 48.8 x 59.7 cm.


Oil on cardboard

A. A. Almelkar created a unique style of painting that earned him the distinction as one of India’s foremost modernists. Celebrated worldwide, Almelkar painted landscapes in an impressionistic, bold style, and created figurative works in a colour palette that celebrated harmony. The artist often went on explorations in the interiors of villages and jungles of Maharashtra, documenting everything that he saw there. This Untitled work appears to be a result of one such expedition and captures the vitality of the area.

published references

Singh, Kishore, ed., Indian Landscapes: The Changing Horizon (New Delhi: DAG, 2012), p. 77
Singh, Kishore, ed., A Visual History of Indian Modern Art, Volume II: Birth of Modernism (New Delhi: DAG, 2015), p. 151
Tillotson, Giles, New Found Lands: The Indian Landscape from Empire to Freedom (New Delhi: DAG, 2021), p. 135-137

More Information
Art Artist Names Single A. A. Almelkar

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