Untitled (Qasr El Nil Bridge, with Figures and Cattle)

Untitled (Qasr El Nil Bridge, with Figures and Cattle)

Untitled (Qasr El Nil Bridge, with Figures and Cattle)

Edwin Lord Weeks

Untitled (Qasr El Nil Bridge, with Figures and Cattle)




7.7 x 11.5 in. (19.6 x 29.2 cm)


Watercolour on paper pasted on cardboard

The Qasr El Nil Bridge on the river Nile in Cairo as it stands today was just beginning to take shape when the American artist Edwin Lord Weeks must have visited it; around a few years before he passed away, the old Gezira bridge was proving to be inadequate for the increasing traffic and foundations were being laid for the new bridge. The most distinctive feature of the new bridge would be the four bronze lions adorning its entrances; Weeks painted a pair of those in this watercolour, capturing them in their regalia as also the busy traffic that the bridge has seen right since its inception.

Untitled (Qasr El Nil Bridge, with Figures and Cattle)
Untitled (Qasr El Nil Bridge, with Figures and Cattle)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Edwin Lord Weeks

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