


Sobha Singh



17.5 x 12.5 in. / 44.5 x 31.8 cm.

A self-trained artist, Sobha Singh is best remembered for his exquisite images of the Sikh gurus, but he also painted on temporal subjects, of which this Untitled work is an example. It shows a svelte maiden pouring liquor in a glass while her body is impossibly twisted like a tendril—a feat designed to entice lovesick young men. The work reveals the artist’s dexterity in absorbing elements from contemporary trends, even as he continued to work as a draughtsman in the British Indian army. His personal style featuring muted shades is an ode to the Bengal School’s wash technique popular at that time.

published references

Home is a Place: Interiority in Indian Art (New Delhi: DAG, 2021), p. 122

More Information
Art Artist Names Single Sobha Singh

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