Untitled (Bol Ke Lab Azaad Hain Tere)

Untitled (Bol Ke Lab Azaad Hain Tere)

Untitled (Bol Ke Lab Azaad Hain Tere)


Untitled (Bol Ke Lab Azaad Hain Tere)




78.0 x 47.7 in. / 198.1 x 121.2 cm.


Oil, marker and charcoal on Rexene

Sadequain's painting of the verses by revolutionary poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz is a political stand taken by the artist to convey the importance of freedom of expression. The central figure in this big painting, possibly, is the poet himself who is shackled, mouth sewn to prevent him from expressing himself or his stand. He holds in his hand the kalam (pen) and siyahi (ink), the poet’s two weapons to take a stand against the political regime. A bird perched on his shoulder watches out for any impending doom.

published references

Singh, Kishore, ed., Manifestations VII: 75 Artists | 20th Century Indian Art (New Delhi: DAG, 2012), p. 162

Untitled (Bol Ke Lab Azaad Hain Tere)
Untitled (Bol Ke Lab Azaad Hain Tere)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Sadequain

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