Search results for: 'Still life with skull 1961 F'
Events and ProgrammesPebet$1.00
Pebet is a ‘phunga wari’, a type of traditional fireside story told to Manipuri children by their grandparents. Directed by the renowned theatre practitioner Heisnam Kanhailal and performed first in 1975, it subverts the familiar icon of the bird and the cat to comment on political and cultural indoctrination.
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Events and ProgrammesPast in Print$1.00
A guided walk of the first free circulating public library of India—Uttarpara Public Library—with researcher Sarbajit Mitra, traversing the history of regional literary cultures, and sifting through their vast archive to delve into the vibrant world of illustrated periodicals in colonial Bengal, followed by a poetry reading by Sujoy Prasad Chatterjee.
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Events and ProgrammesAn Artist's Retreat$1.00
An exploration of the relationship between art and ecology through a visit to the house-museum of artists Chintamoni and Amina Kar with Prasanta Dan, along with a foliage study session in the idyllic bird sanctuary that surrounds it.
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Events and ProgrammesLiving with Science$1.00
A walk by researcher Namrata Ghosh on the history of the house museum at Acharya Bhavan and the Bose Institute, focusing on J.C. Bose’s unique collection of iconic Bengal art.
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Events and ProgrammesRevisiting the Tagores$1.00
A musical evening at Prasad Tagore Palace, the heritage residence of Pramantha Tagore, preceded by a conversation with Sujaan Mukherjee about the Tagore family’s ties to music, theatre, and art patronage.
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Events and ProgrammesIconic Impressions$1.00
A printmaking workshop with artist Rahee Punyashloka of @artedkar, drawing from his own practice to visualise the absent protagonists of the freedom movement.
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Events and ProgrammesPreserving the Past$1.00
A workshop by archivist Kamalika Mukherjee on the importance of family archives, and DIY methods that can help preserve our own paper-based for the next generation.
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Events and ProgrammesCrossing the Midnight Hour$1.00
A guided walk by urban history researcher Sujaan Mukherjee, uncovering the forgotten histories of monuments and sites around the Indian Museum, and their changing fates after Independence.
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Events and ProgrammesCurious Curatorium$1.00
An online opportunity for young researchers and early career professionals, from History, Art History, Cultural Studies and related fields, to develop research projects under the guidance of eminent academicians and scholars.
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Events and ProgrammesMuseum Ambassadors$1.00
An experiential learning and apprenticeship programme for high school students in collaboration with arts education organisations, offering them a first-hand experience of working in a museum, learning about the art and history, and translating their learnings to develop museum experiences for their peers.
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Events and ProgrammesImprovising the Khyal$1.00
A khyal performance by Ranjani Ramachandran, drawing from the repertoire of the Gwalior and Jaipur gharanas, that will focus on her interpretive style and the legacy of women performers in post-independence India. Introduced by Lakshmi Subramanian, a historian of music and trade.
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JournalThe Journal Goes Live$0.00
On the thirtieth year of DAG’s presence in the Indian art landscape, we are especially delighted to share with our readers the first issue of our Journal. DAG has upheld a high quality of research through exhibitions and publications that have shaped how people understand Indian modern art. Through this journal, we want to keep those discussions going and point towards newer ways to approach the period of modernism—joining the dots that lead those significant artistic breakthroughs into the contemporary. We also want to create a space where readers can gain privileged access into the people and organizations who works around the clock to keep the art world ticking.
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