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JournalManu Parekh$0.00What do you make of a work of art? What was the artist attempting to communicate? These video shorts offer brief overviews on artists and their work in the way of expert opinions by scholars, curators art writers—and by the artists themselves. Learn More
JournalAdi Davierwala$0.00What do you make of a work of art? What was the artist attempting to communicate? These video shorts offer brief overviews on artists and their work in the way of expert opinions by scholars, curators art writers—and by the artists themselves. Learn More
JournalParitosh Sen$0.00What do you make of a work of art? What was the artist attempting to communicate? These video shorts offer brief overviews on artists and their work in the way of expert opinions by scholars, curators art writers—and by the artists themselves. Learn More
JournalGopal Ghose$0.00What do you make of a work of art? What was the artist attempting to communicate? These video shorts offer brief overviews on artists and their work in the way of expert opinions by scholars, curators art writers—and by the artists themselves. Learn More
JournalM. V. Dhurandhar$0.00What do you make of a work of art? What was the artist attempting to communicate? These video shorts offer brief overviews on artists and their work in the way of expert opinions by scholars, curators art writers—and by the artists themselves. Learn More
JournalDharamnarayan Dasgupta$0.00What do you make of a work of art? What was the artist attempting to communicate? These video shorts offer brief overviews on artists and their work in the way of expert opinions by scholars, curators art writers—and by the artists themselves. Learn More
JournalDevayani Krishna$0.00What do you make of a work of art? What was the artist attempting to communicate? These video shorts offer brief overviews on artists and their work in the way of expert opinions by scholars, curators art writers—and by the artists themselves. Learn More
JournalBiren De$0.00What do you make of a work of art? What was the artist attempting to communicate? These video shorts offer brief overviews on artists and their work in the way of expert opinions by scholars, curators art writers—and by the artists themselves. Learn More
JournalBikash Bhattacharjee$0.00What do you make of a work of art? What was the artist attempting to communicate? These video shorts offer brief overviews on artists and their work in the way of expert opinions by scholars, curators art writers—and by the artists themselves. Learn More
JournalRam Kumar$0.00What do you make of a work of art? What was the artist attempting to communicate? These video shorts offer brief overviews on artists and their work in the way of expert opinions by scholars, curators art writers—and by the artists themselves. Learn More
ExhibitionsMemory & IdentityAs low as $1.00
Much of Indian modernism is enriched by the work that some of its best known artists produced after they had left the country, choosing as home another land. F. N. Souza was among the first to leave, in 1949, to head for London, where a successful practice catapulted him to the top of Britain’s artists. He was followed, in 1950, by S. H. Raza, who settled in Paris, winning the coveted critics’ award (Prix de la critique) in 1956, while others such as Krishna Reddy (Paris and New York), S. K. Bakre (London), Sakti Burman (Paris), Avinash Chandra (London and New York), Mohan Samant (New York), Natvar Bhavsar (New York), V. Viswanadhan (Paris), Sohan Qadri (Copenhagen), Rajendra Dhawan (Paris), Eric Bowen (Oslo), Ambadas (Oslo), and Zarina Hashmi (New York), followed in the 1950s-70s. These fourteen artists, with their diverse styles and concerns in art making, are masters lauded for the sheer range of responses to their environment that their work has registered. However, the question this exhibition forefronts, as its curator Kishore Singh asks, is: ‘Does the artist’s ethnic identity mean art too has an ethnic identity?’ Ambadas Avinash Chandra Eric Bowen F. N. Souza Krishna Reddy Mohan Samant Natvar Bhavsar Rajendra Dhawan S. H. Raza S. K. Bakre Sakti Burman Sohan Qadri V. Viswanadhan Zarina Hashmi
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ExhibitionsMadhvi Parekh: The Curious SeekerAs low as $1.00
Spanning five decades of her painterly career, this retrospective includes iconic works by Madhvi Parekh which represent every phase of her illustrious career. The show also includes rare drawings and paintings from the 1960s, when the influence of Paul Klee’s abstraction on her early work was evident. Given the solid representation of Parekh’s paintings from every decade, the exhibition allows viewers to see the continuity in her vision and focus.
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