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JournalWilliam Dalrymple on ‘Panorama of a Small British Station on the Ganges’$0.00
'Iconic Masterpieces of Indian Modern Art, Edition 2' opened on 11 February, featuring fifty artworks which shaped the trajectory of pre-modern and modern art in the country. As part of the exhibition, William Dalrymple reflects on the painting ‘Panorama of a Small British Station on the Ganges’. Commissioned by Major James Natheniel Rind and painted like a scientific record of a scenario, the composition evokes a transitional phase between an older Mughal ethos and the emerging world of the Company.
Join us for a talk by William Dalrymple on Indian Painting for the East India Company on Wednesday, 5th April 2023, 7pm at DAG, 22A Janpath Road, Windsor Place, New Delhi
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JournalKishore Singh on P. Khemraj$0.00‘Iconic Masterpieces of Indian Modern Art, Edition 2’ opened on 11 February at DAG’s Janpath Gallery in New Delhi featuring fifty artworks which shaped the trajectory of pre-modern and modern art in the country. As part of the exhibition, Kishore Singh speaks on P. Khemraj’s ‘Charpoi’ painting and its sensualist language. The autobiographical elements of the work and its depiction of universally felt emotions within a language of abstraction, personalizes its appeal. Learn More
JournalA Portrait of our People$0.00
This exhbition explored the evolution of the genre of portrait painting in India. Curated by Pramod Kumar KG, it was specially created for Drishyakala, a joint collaboration between DAG and the Archaeological Survey of India, at Red Fort, Delhi. Visitors came face to face with dazzling canvases, expressive watercolours and early prints of people known and unknown in this extraordinary exhibition.
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JournalOriental Scenery: Aquatints by Thomas & William Daniell$0.00
What wonder it must have been for the people in England to ‘see’ India for the first time, the exotica that they had only heard of until then! The artists who made this possible through their paintings and aquatints were the uncle-nephew duo of Thomas Daniell and William Daniell, whose magnum opus, Oriental Scenery, was the subject of this landmark exhibition at Drishyakala, a joint collaboration between DAG and the Archaeological Survey of India.
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JournalThe Art of Rabin Mondal$0.00A great admirer of Indian modernist Rabin Mondal's works and curator of ‘Kingdom of Exile, a major retrospective on the artist, Kishore Singh of DAG is joined by Ina Puri, documentarian, collector and an old acquaintance of the artist as, together, they explore the circumstances of Mondal’s painterly life, particularly his vaunted King Series. A set of eight powerful paintings on the theme and hubris of power, now going on view at the upcoming Art Dubai 2022 Learn More
JournalModernists In Focus: Art Festivals, Early 2023$0.00
With the cultural calendar being packed till spring, join us as we travel through some of the most popular ongoing or upcoming art fairs and biennales. Take a close look at artists who bring modernist ideas to the contemporary art context. With some ubiquitous names from the twentieth century art world accompanied by a few of those that have been historically overlooked, discover how ideas around the Modern have evolved through these fairs and biennales, as we focus on notable artists from each art festival and delve into their practice.
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JournalThe Making of the Dhaka Art Summit: Behind the scenes with the Curator$0.00
Diana Campbell is the Artistic Director of the Samdani Art Foundation, now in its 10th year, and chief curator of the prestigious Dhaka Art Summit, whose sixth edition starts on February 3, 2023. She spoke with the DAG Journal’s editorial team to discuss her own curatorial process and how she makes room for experimentation, and unpacks the intriguing thematic of this new edition: ‘flood’, or bonna.
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Teaching Through ArtTipoo: The man and the myth$1.00
A creative response guide on exploring multiple historical perspectives through artworks and archival material on the fall of Tipoo Sultan.
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JournalDrawing in the margins: Altaf's sketches and diaries$0.00
Drawing from the Greek word skhedios, meaning ‘to extemporize’, the sketch presents an interiorized, psychological landscape against classical painting’s heroic, externalized construction of the painted tableau. For many artists, sketching and drawing suggest initial explorations for capturing moods, relations and subjectivities that can be expanded through later applications of paint and texture.
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Collection StoriesUNTITLED (RADHA AS QUEEN)$1.00
Radha is painted as a queen in this Early Bengal oil painting, surrounded by her fellow Gopis (cowherds and companions) and Krishna—her divine consort and an incarnation of one of the Hindu trinity—dressed as a sentinel. She sits on her royal throne amid a forest landscape, perhaps recalling her identification as Vrindavaneshwari (goddess of Vrindavan). Going by the small but remarkable details of the jewellery, we can guess that it is the work of an artist trained in the miniature tradition. But does the painting hide other possible secrets?
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