Untitled (Saraswati)

Untitled (Saraswati)

Untitled (Saraswati)

Anonymous (Ravi Varma School)

Untitled (Saraswati)


Late 19th century


32.0 x 24.0 in. / 81.3 x 61.0 cm.


Oil on canvas

Raja Ravi Varma’s art was so popular that it drew followers among several Indian artists, a number of them anonymous, but painting in a style, themes and composition influenced by the master artist. Their art came to be known by the generic term of the Ravi Varma School and this work, depicting Indian goddess Saraswati, is an example of that style, a vignette from the myths and religious epics that Raja Ravi Varma often painted in order to bring his art closer to the masses.

published references

Singh, Kishore, ed., Manifestations VIII: 75 Artists | 20th Century Indian Art (New Delhi: DAG, 2012), p. 149
Singh, Kishore, ed., Indian Divine: Gods & Goddesses in 19th and 20th Century Indian Art (New Delhi: DAG, 2014), p. 323

Untitled (Saraswati)
Untitled (Saraswati)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Anonymous (Ravi Varma School)

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